How To Sell Your Car at an Online Auction

Selling your car has never been easier. With the rise of online auctions, the process has become more convenient and accessible than ever before.
Online car auctions offer a platform for vehicle owners to reach a wider audience of potential buyers and maximise their selling opportunities. If you’re considering selling your car in an online auction, Overton Automotive is here to guide you through the process with ease.
How to Auction Your Car Online
Choose a Reputable Online Auction Platform
The best way to start is by researching different online auction platforms. To get the most out of your experience, make sure to look for platforms with a good reputation, a wide user base, and positive feedback from previous sellers.
It’s always a good idea to read reviews and compare fees before committing to a particular platform.
Overton Automotive works with e2e Salvage Market to auction all vehicles. e2e is one of the most trusted online auction platforms and pride themselves on being the largest Salvage Management Company in the UK. Providing salvage and end of life vehicle disposal solutions since 1984, their service and experience in the industry really is unmatched.
Consider the Costs Involved at Online Car Auctions
When looking to sell your car online, the prices and services will vary depending on which auction platform you look at. Some are more costly than others and may include fees for; listing, vehicle preparation, transportation and delivery, and any other additional services.
Overton Automotive provides an end-to-end service on our car auctions for just £60 + VAT. From taking care of all your documents and data to washing your car and selling it for you, we provide a hassle-free service for all our customers. All you need to do is hand over the keys and we’ll cover the process from start to finish.
Not only do we provide a full service if you purchase from us, we’ll also ensure that your price is safe and will not sell for less than what you want.
Check out Overton Automotive’s auction page for more information.
Selling your car at an online auction is an easy and convenient way to connect with potential buyers and increase your selling opportunities. However, it’s crucial to consider the costs involved to ensure you’re getting the most out of your selling experience.
For a hassle-free and cost-effective way to sell your car online, get in touch with us to see how we can help.